How to earn HYPER:
1. Create an account at
2. Visit and watch the stream when it is Live
That's it! You will receive HYPER every 10 minutes for those 2 simple steps whenever the stream is live.
3? Optional: Earn additional HYPER by clicking the heart button to follow the channel, proving viewership, and by placing bets as explained below.
Every 10 minutes (EDT 00:00, 00:10, 00:20, 00:30, etc) all users in the chat room receive HYPER.
Current bonuses:
For viewers who have used the !viewer command within the past 10 minutes:
10 mHYPER for being a follower.
15 mHYPER for placing a bet within the past 10 minutes.
150 mHYPER for using the !viewer command within the past 10 minutes.
For viewers who have not used the !viewer command within the past 10 minutes:
1 mHYPER for being an idler.
1 mHYPER for being a follower.
2 mHYPER for placing a bet within the past 10 minutes.
Commands that can be sent to the chat room:
!donate 187
Donates 187 mHYPER to the stream to help support the project.
Returns your current balance in mHYPER.
Returns a HYPER address which you can send HYPER to. Your deposit will be automatically placed into your account. 1 HYPER is equal to 1000 mHYPER. There is a minimum deposit amount of 1 HYPER.
!address H93CY3iNSqdBnMmA6Kgj8KfQ3QCreBhW2C
Sets your withdrawal address to the HYPER address "H93CY3iNSqdBnMmA6Kgj8KfQ3QCreBhW2C"
!withdraw 1234
Requests a withdrawal from your account for 1234 mHYPER (1.234 HYPER) which will be sent to the address you added with the !address command. Returns a transaction ID linked to the block explorer. There is currently a 500 mHYPER (0.5 HYPER) minimum withdrawal amount.
The bot will respond and tell you whether or not you are eligible for the follower bonus. It can take up to 30 minutes for the bot to see you have followed the channel.
Responds telling the user if they are eligible for bonuses. If you were not set active, issuing the !active command sets you as active and eligible for chat bonuses.
Usage: !map
Returns the name of the current map, and if the map is a workshop map it will also return a link to the relevant steam page.
Example: !map
The current map is de_mill
Usage: !ip
Returns the ip address of the game server being streamed.
Example: !ip
The address of the server being streamed is shown in the top right of the video. The current active server address is
Usage: !give username amount
Give another user some of your HYPER. Subtracts HYPER from your balance and adds it to the chat user you specify. Usernames should be in all lowercase.
Example: !give muxed 123
Removes 123 mHYPER from your balance and gives it to the user named muxed.
Usage: !tip "player_name" amount
Send some of your HYPER to a player in the game. Subtracts HYPER from your balance and adds it to the in game wallet of the player you specify. Usernames should be enclosed in quotes. 1 mHYPER is currently worth 40 game tokens. The HYPER you send to the player in game may be withdrawn by that player as HYPER, Coin2, or iCash. Players are notified in game that they have received a tip.
Example: !tip "Devasive" 10
Removes 10 mHYPER from your balance and gives 200 game tokens to the player named Devasive.
This command forces the CSGO game client to reconnect. This command can only be used once every 5 minutes. There is a bug in the game client which causes a players health, armor, and ammo to not appear. This command will resolve the problem.
There is a bug in the game client which causes in game chat to not appear, this usually occurs after a map change. If you do not see twitch chat, bets, and or tips being relayed to the in game chat this command will resolve the problem.
!bet_t 123
Normal Mode:
Places a 123 mHYPER bet which will result in a win if the terrorist team wins the current round.
Competitive Mode:
Places a 123 mHYPER bet which will result in a win if the terrorist team wins the current half.
!bet_ct 321
Normal Mode:
Places a 321 mHYPER bet which will result in a win if the counter-terrorist team wins the current round.
Competitive Mode:
Places a 321 mHYPER bet which will result in a win if the counter-terrorist team wins the current half.
You can easily determine the current mode by looking at the top right of the stream. If it says "competitive mode", competitive mode is active, anything else is normal mode and it will display the IP address of the HYPER server being streamed.
There is currently a 1 mHYPER minimum bet amount. The maximum bet amount is 1,000,000 mHYPER. You can win up to 5 times your initial bet amount. There is a 2% fee on winning payouts which is automatically deducted. Players must take the opposite side of any bet you place in order for you to win. If you bet 1 mHYPER on the Counter-Terrorist team to win, someone else must place a 1 mHYPER or more bet on the Terrorist team to win that round. Keep in mind the video stream is delayed due to video encoding and transmission times.
Jim, John, and Sally are betting on the game. Jim bets 1 mHYPER on the Counter-Terrorist team, John bets 1 mHYPER on the Terrorist team, and Sally bets 1 mHYPER on the Counter-Terrorist team. In total 2 mHYPER were bet on the Counter-Terrorist team and 1 mHYPER was bet on the Terrorist team. Let's assume the Counter-Terrorist team wins. The 1 mHYPER which John bet on the Terrorist team is lost to Jim and Sally. Jims bet is 50% of the total bets on the Counter-Terrorist team and Sallys bet is the other 50%. They each win 50% of the total amount bet on the Terrorist (losing) team. In this example Jim and Sally each win 1.47 mHYPER (1.5 mHYPER minus the 2% house cut).
Jim, John, and Sally are betting on the game. Jim bets 3 mHYPER on the Counter-Terrorist team, John bets 1 mHYPER on the Terrorist team, and Sally bets 1 mHYPER on the Counter-Terrorist team. In total 4 mHYPER were bet on the Counter-Terrorist team and 1 mHYPER was bet on the Terrorist team. Let's assume the Counter-Terrorist team wins. The 1 mHYPER which John bet on the Terrorist team is lost to Jim and Sally. Jims bet is 75% of the total bets on the Counter-Terrorist team and Sallys bet is the other 25%. Jim wins 75% of the total amount bet on the Terrorist (losing) team. Sally is entitled to 25% of the total amount bet on the Terrorist(losing) team. In this example Jim wins 3.675 mHYPER (3.75 mHYPER minus the 2% house cut) and Sally wins 1.225 mHYPER (1.25 mHYPER minus the 2% house cut).
Jim, John, and Sally are betting on the game. Jim bets 3 mHYPER on the Counter-Terrorist team, John bets 1 mHYPER on the Terrorist team, and Sally bets 1 mHYPER on the Counter-Terrorist team. In total 1 mHYPER was bet on the Terrorist team and 4 mHYPER were bet on the Counter-Terrorist team. Let's assume the Terrorist team wins. The 4 mHYPER which Jim and Sally bet on the Counter-Terrorist team is lost to John. Johns bet accounts for 100% of the total bets on the Terrorist team. John wins 100% of the total amount bet on the Counter-Terrorist (losing) team. In this example John wins 4.9 mHYPER (5 mHYPER minus the 2% house cut).
Betting capabilities for competitive matches:
You now have the ability to bet on the competitive match being shown on stream. When competitive match betting is enabled your use of the !bet_t and !bet_ct chat commands will place bets on the respective team stating they will win the current half being shown on stream.
Competitive matches in CS have a maximum of 30 rounds. The first team to win 16 rounds wins the match. If both teams reach 15 wins the match is a tie. The match is broken down into 2 halves, the first 15 rounds and the second 15 rounds. After the first 15 rounds the teams are swapped (Counter-Terrorists become Terrorists and vice versa).
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!viewer token Note: There are spam prevention measures in place. Try to wait a few minutes between attempts. Every time you use the !viewer command and the bot does not accept your attempt an additional 30 second delay is imposed before the bot will accept any !viewer attempt from you again, even if it is valid. Using the command multiple times within any 10 minute bonus period results in receiving the viewer bonus only 1 time. There is no need to use the !viewer command more than 1 time every 10 minutes, you get the same amount of HYPER either way. |
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