Click here for a list of streams where BIGUPTipBot can be found!

Commands that can be used with BIGUPTipBot:

  Returns a link to this web page.

!bigupdonate 187
  Donates 187 BIGUP to the BIGUPTipBot to help support the project.

  Returns your current balance in BIGUP.

  Returns a BIGUP address which you can send BIGUP to. Your deposit will be automatically placed into your account. There is a minimum deposit amount of 1 BIGUP.

!bigupaddress BGxypRd1DJnigzzsrV7oRbPa7AWLN7AEmY
  Sets your withdrawal address to the BIGUP address "BGxypRd1DJnigzzsrV7oRbPa7AWLN7AEmY"

!bigupwithdraw 1234
  Requests a withdrawal from your account for 1234 BIGUP which will be sent to the address you added with the !bigupaddress command. Returns a transaction ID linked to the block explorer. There is currently a 100 BIGUP minimum withdrawal amount.

!biguptip username 1234
  Removes 1234 BIGUP from your account and transfers it to the user named username.

  Invites the BIGUPTipBot to your channel so that your stream users can send, deposit, withdraw, and receive BIGUP tips. The bot will remain in your channel until you issue the !bigupleave command.

  Instructs the BIGUPTipBot to leave your channel, removing the ability for your stream users to send, deposit, withdraw, and receive BIGUP tips within your channel.

BIGUP is a cryptocurrency, you can learn more about it here:

 You can use the BIGUPTipBot on your own stream giving your stream users the ability to send, withdraw, and receive BIGUP tips as well as the ability to deposit BIGUP! If you would like the BIGUPTipbot to join your stream issue the !bigupinvite command in this chat! Users may not be able to see the bots responses if you do not make the bot an OP.